Monday, July 28, 2008

WI #29

Well, it's a step in the right direction.. I'm down 1lb this week. For some reason, I'm really just not in a blogging mood lately... but I want to at least write when I WI and stuff, just to keep track of everything.

On another note, I signed up for a 10K today.. it's soon - August 17! I'm excited though as my cousin is joining me in the run. I've been keeping up with my workouts in training but the last week or so, I've had some serious psiatic (sp?) pain. Not fun :( So hopefully that clears up sooner than later.

Thanks to all who still read here.. I've been reading quite a few blogs lately but am afraid that I've not been a very good commenter. I'm sorry!! Not quite sure what is up with me... hopefully I'll get more involved again soon as I find that my success dramtically increases when I blogg/comment alot. Must mean I'm more focused when I'm doing that.

Anyways, I'm leaving town again tomorrow for a week so I'll check back when I get home!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I'm sitting here tonight feeling incredibly pathetic. I just feel sluggish and .. just gross. My last round of motivation lasted less than a week, and though I wasn't THAT bad on vacation, since coming home last Tuesday, I've been even less stellar. Blame it on my birthday that included celebrations spread out over 3 days. Blame it on just about anything but there's no excuse that will take away the weight I've put back on. I don't know exact numbers yet as I've been too scared to face the scale. I'm saving that task for tomorrow morning.

I miss seeing losses every week.

I miss feeling "light" instead of bloated and full.

I miss feeling good about myself. And this just might be my biggest motivator right now. After years of feeling embarassed about my body, I was finally starting to feel good about it, even a little proud. And that is disapearing :(

So tomorrow I will be back at it. And there will be more excuses and going off track just because I'm going out of town. That's been one of my big problems the last month and a half because I've going away every couple weeks. I still have two more weekends away planned in the near future but that doesn't mean WW will go out the window. I just can't let it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I nearly forgot

to post today but I promised to post daily this week so here we go.

Today started well.. had a good 90 min cardio sweat session at the Y. Then the girls and I went to the mall for lunch (again, not too bad, had a small wrap at 6ish points). Things went a little downhill after that at dinner time but all in all, I shouldn't be over my points all that much. I'll do my best to make tomorrow a low point day to even it out.

I'm feeling soooooo good right now though. I just got off the phone with M and wow... I just love him :) He's planning a surprise for my birthday on the 15th and he was driving me crazy trying to make me guess at it. I just can't wait to see him next Tuesday.. he's joining my family on vacation, which will be nice but at the same time, wishing my parents weren't going to be there so the separate bedroom rule didn't have to apply ;)

Anyhow... hope ya'll are doing well!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Healthy You Check In

It's a new month and I'm so glad. June was less than stellar so I'm looking at July as a fresh start. I've been thinking about my goals both for this month and for a little longer term and have decided that:

1- My goal to be down 50 lbs by July 15 is unrealistic. That is 11.2 lbs away. I'm going to change this to August 15. Instead, I want to be below 220 (lose 5lbs) by then.

2- My goal of reaching my 2nd 10% by the end of July is unrealistic. That is 14 lbs away. Bumping that back to August 31.

3- I want to be out of the 200s by Thanksgiving. That means 25 lbs to go by October 13th.

4- Run a 10K at the end of August. Train 3X a week to prepare for this.

5- Rack up 1000 min of cardio in July.

6- No more eating after 8pm.

To go along with this fresh start, I'm playing with the idea of re-designing my blog. I'd like to add in a box that scrolls along the side for my weigh ins because that's getting awfully long. Does anyone know how to do this?

I also have a goal for this week of blogging everyday and reading through all the blogs of those who check in in the HYC today. Looking forward to checking in and saying hi to you all! It may take me a few days but it's long overdue :)